
Powerglaz PV

Powerglaz is our glass product that contains laminated solar cells. It can be made to order and, if requested, can include a variety of forms and effects. So, there’s no need to sacrifice architectural creativity when incorporating solar energy into projects.

Powerglaz panels are fully integrated and can even replace conventional building components like atria, roofs, canopies and cladding. They can also be used for off-grid applications, generating electricity for bespoke uses, and to charge batteries. Hermans Technisolar has already fitted BIPV panels to buildings worldwide, like on the sides of the Galaxy towers in New Jersey, HAUT tower and The Edge in Amsterdam, and to Unilever’s Global Foods Innovation Center in Wageningen.


Reduces glare

Dual purpose

Repells UV heat

Aesthetically pleasing



Roofs can now sustain wide spans of glazing, whilst managing shading and internal heat by integrating Powerglaz in the design of the roof structure.


Designed to integrate seamlessly into a façade design, renewably generate and positively affect design aesthetic.


Designed to let light in, shade occupants and contribute to the building energy through sustainable generation, our products can offer multiple benefits for Architectural design and function.

Street Furniture

Designed to feature as part of a design or self-light for evening applications. Our panels can be used on various street furniture and sculptures.