Lamsrustlaan, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Project: Lamsrustlaan
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Hermans Technisolar, together with the Owners’ Association (VvE) committee and residents, worked in collaboration to realise a beautiful, sustainable solar energy project on Lamsrustlaan in Rotterdam. The aim of the project was to make individual residents and the complex as a whole, more sustainable to offer financial benefits and maximise control over energy generation.

We installed a total of 250 solar panels, with each resident who wanted to participate in the solar energy project receiving their own set of solar panels, inverter and power optimizers. This individual approach offers maximum control over energy generation and enables residents to experience the financial benefits of their sustainable choices.

In addition, we have installed solar panels specifically designed to generate energy for the common areas of the building. This integration of sustainable energy for communal use underlines our holistic approach, where we focus not only on individual homes, but also on the collective interests of the apartment complex.

An additional option that we have added to this project is the integration of solar panels in the balustrades of the balconies. This innovative design combines functionality with aesthetics, allowing the solar panels to fit seamlessly into the architecture of the building.

Our close collaboration with the VvE committee was invaluable in implementing sustainable solutions that made not only individual residents but also the general areas of the complex more sustainable. This partnership with homeowners’ associations provided a high-value, integrated approach to delivering sustainable energy solutions.

Whether it concerns individual homes or apartment complexes, we strive to provide tailor-made, sustainable solutions that promote the energy transition.